The Burdekin Hotel

Formerly known as Flanagan's the Burdekin hotel is still a well known hotel at the beginning of Oxford Street. The site, at 2-4 Oxford Street Darlinghurst, has historical significance because it has been occupied almost continuously by a hotel since the 1840s. It is also significant because of its association with the prominent architectural firm of Rudder & Grout. They designed many Art Deco hotels around Sydney and the Burdekin is a good representative example of a Federation hotel with an interwar Art Deco style overlay. History The original Flanagan's Hotel was a diminutive single storey structure at the start of Oxford Street near Hyde Park. The hotel (picture opposite) was built in the Victorian era but was demolished around 1910 during the "remodelling" or widening of Oxford Street. Several significant buidlings were also demolished for this project including the Albury Hotel. There were several street widening projects occuring around this time in...