The Criterion Hotel

The Criterion Hotel located at 258 Pitt Street, Sydney, was designed by Copeman, Lemont & Keesing and was constructed by Paynter and Dixon in 1936. After the original Criterion Theatre was demolished in 1935 the license was sold to Tooth & Co who replaced and extended the building in 1936. It is the finest of the five remaining hotel buildings constructed in this style in the CBD. The others are the Criterion (Sussex Street), the Great Southern Hotel, the Tudor Inn, and the Wynyard. The site has the historical significance of being the location of the Criterion Theatre which was demolished to make way to widen Park street in 1935. The picture opposite shows the partially demolished Criterion Theatre with the new hotel constructed behind it. The Criterion Hotel is a three storey blond brick building constructed in the Inter-War Art Deco style. The highly articulated face brick facade features light green faience terracotta tile detailing at window heads and spandrel...